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addContact(Contact) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to add the given Contact to the list of contacts in the current user's CONTACTS table.
addToGroup(String, int...) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to add the contacts with the given contact IDs to the specified group in the current user's GROUPS table.
addUser(String, String, String) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to add a new user to the database with the given username and password.
App - Class in watson
Main Application of MyContacts.
App() - Constructor for class watson.App


changePassword(String, String) - Method in class watson.Database
Changes the current user's password.
connect(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class watson.Database
Initialises or creates the database specified by databaseName and returns a reference to that Database, wrapped in an Optional.
Contact - Class in watson
Contact class for associated CONTACTS table in database.
Contact() - Constructor for class watson.Contact
ContactsController - Class in watson
ContactsController() - Constructor for class watson.ContactsController
contactsTable - Static variable in class watson.ContactsController


data - Static variable in class watson.ContactsController
data - Variable in class watson.MasterController
Database - Class in watson
Class for creating, loading, and manipulating Apache Derby databases.
db - Static variable in class watson.MasterController
Database object to use in GUI.
DBNAME - Static variable in class watson.MasterController
Name of database to use in GUI.
deleteContacts(int...) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to delete the contacts with the given contact IDs from the current user's CONTACTS and GROUPS tables.
deleteGroup(String) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to delete a group from the current user's GROUPS table by removing all contacts from that group.
deleteUser(String, String) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to delete the user with the given username from the database, along with all of their data.
disconnect() - Static method in class watson.Database
Closes the connection to the current database, if such a connection exists; resets all variables.
displayTable(String, double, boolean) - Method in class watson.MasterController


fields() - Method in class watson.Contact
Returns a Set containing the name and SQL description of each piece of information which can be added to this Contact object.


generateSalt(int) - Static method in class watson.PasswordUtils
Generates a random byte[] of the given length using SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong() and returns that array as a base-64-encoded String, wrapped in an Optional.
get(String) - Method in class watson.Contact
Returns the value associated with the key in this Contact's info, if the key exists.
get(TextField) - Static method in class watson.MasterController
Extracts the String value of a TextField or PasswordField.
getContact(int) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to find the contact with the specified ID number in the current user's CONTACTS table and return it as a Contact object.
groups() - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to return a List of all unique group names in the current user's GROUPS table, wrapped in an Optional.


hashPassword(String, String) - Static method in class watson.PasswordUtils
Hashes the given password using the PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512 algorithm, mixing at least 216 times, generating a 512-bit key, which is returned as a base-64-encoded String.


info - Variable in class watson.Contact
Information associated with this Contact object.
initialize() - Method in class watson.OwnerContactsController
initialize() - Method in class watson.OwnerGroupsController
initialize() - Method in class watson.OwnerSecureController
initialize() - Method in class watson.OwnerUsersController
initialize() - Method in class watson.UserContactsController
initialize() - Method in class watson.UserGroupsController
IOUtils - Class in watson
Utility class for uniformly-formatted error/warning messaging.
isOwner - Static variable in class watson.MasterController
Is current user of GUI the owner of the database?


keyExists(String) - Method in class watson.Contact
Returns true if the specified key is valid (if a Contact object allows a value associated with that key).


loginButton() - Method in class watson.LoginController
LoginController - Class in watson
LoginController() - Constructor for class watson.LoginController


main(String[]) - Static method in class watson.App
Entry point for MyContacts application.
MasterController - Class in watson
Master Controller class which provides global variables and methods for the other Controllers to access and use.
MasterController() - Constructor for class watson.MasterController


name() - Static method in class watson.Database
Returns the name of the database, or null if the database has not yet been initialised.


onEnter(ActionEvent) - Method in class watson.LoginController
owner() - Method in class watson.Database
Returns the username of the database owner (DBO), in all-uppercase letters, wrapped in an Optional.
OWNER - Static variable in class watson.MasterController
Owner of database being used in GUI.
OwnerContactsController - Class in watson
OwnerContactsController() - Constructor for class watson.OwnerContactsController
OwnerGroupsController - Class in watson
OwnerGroupsController() - Constructor for class watson.OwnerGroupsController
OwnerSecureController - Class in watson
OwnerSecureController() - Constructor for class watson.OwnerSecureController
OwnerUsersController - Class in watson
OwnerUsersController() - Constructor for class watson.OwnerUsersController


PasswordUtils - Class in watson
Utility class for password encryption and verification.
printError(String, String) - Static method in class watson.IOUtils
Prints an error message to the standard error stream.
printMessage(String, String) - Static method in class watson.IOUtils
Prints a message to the standard error stream.
printSQLException(String, SQLException) - Static method in class watson.IOUtils
Prints an SQLException message to the standard error stream.
printTable(String, int) - Method in class watson.Database
Prints a table to the standard output device, provided the current user has permission to view that table.
printWarning(String, String) - Static method in class watson.IOUtils
Prints a warning message to the standard error stream.


refreshApp(String) - Static method in class watson.MasterController
refreshApp(String, String) - Static method in class watson.MasterController
Attempts to refresh the GUI, loading the FXML page specified.
removeFromGroup(String, int...) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to remove the contacts with the given contact IDs from the specified group in the current user's GROUPS table.
renameGroup(String, String) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to rename a group in the current user's GROUPS table.
resetPassword(String, String, String) - Method in class watson.Database
Sets the password of the user with the given username to newPassword, provided that the current user is the DBO.


scene - Static variable in class watson.App
Main Scene of app.
selection - Variable in class watson.MasterController
selections - Variable in class watson.MasterController
set(String, String) - Method in class watson.Contact
If the given key exists in this Contact's info, sets it to the given value.
stage - Static variable in class watson.App
Main Stage of app.
start(Stage) - Method in class watson.App


table - Variable in class watson.MasterController
table(String) - Method in class watson.Database
Returns the specified table as a List<List<String>>, provided the current user has permission to view that table.
tables() - Method in class watson.Database
Returns a List containing the names of all user-created tables in the database accessible by the current user.
toString() - Method in class watson.Contact
Returns this Contact formatted so that it can be inserted as a list of values into an SQL table.


updateContact(int, Contact) - Method in class watson.Database
Attempts to update the contact with the given contact ID in the current user's CONTACTS table by replacing it with the provided Contact.
user() - Method in class watson.Database
Returns the name of the current user, in all-uppercase letters, wrapped in an Optional.
USER - Static variable in class watson.MasterController
Current user of GUI.
UserContactsController - Class in watson
UserContactsController() - Constructor for class watson.UserContactsController
UserGroupsController - Class in watson
UserGroupsController() - Constructor for class watson.UserGroupsController
userIsDBO() - Method in class watson.Database
Returns true if and only if the current user is the database owner.
users() - Method in class watson.Database
Returns an Optional<List<String>> containing the names of all users in the database.
USERS - Static variable in class watson.MasterController
List of users for the database in the GUI.


verifyPassword(String, String) - Method in class watson.Database
Returns true if and only if the provided username exists in the database, and the provided password matches that user's password.
verifyPassword(String, String, String) - Static method in class watson.PasswordUtils
Given the password and the salt used to hash that password, verifies that the cryptographic key generated matches the given key.


watson - package watson
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